

Unfortunately I built this before I decided to do a blog so I do not have as many pictures during the construction stage.  I started out with a rusty old wheel that I found in the garden when I bought the house many years ago.  I always wanted to turn this into a wheelbarrow.  Mothers day was coming so this was the year to do it.  The materials used are left over pallet pieces from some of my other projects and a couple old 2×6.  The angles where a little tricky.  Once I figured the angles out it took about 3 hours to build and it took another 3 hours to paint.




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John Deer colors are nice and bright.  The kids had a great time helping to paint. I sent them into the house to get cleaned up when they were done.  Several hours later I went into the house only to find John Deer Green on everything.  The white bathroom cabinets, taps, light switches and walls.  Man was that hard to get off.  I used reel John Deer paint!!!!!  It was worth it though.  The kids were so excited to give the gift to Mommy.

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I promise to post some more pics once we put flowers in it.


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